You’ve likely altered your daily routine significantly because of Covid-19. You may be working from home instead of the office. You might order groceries and other items online frequently rather than going shopping in stores. Your objective is to keep you and your family safe.
Modern Day Dental is open so that you and your loved ones can get the dental care you need to keep healthy. Good dental care not only preserves your oral health; it has an important preventive role in your general health.
We want to allay your fears about dental visits during Covid-19. We’ve implemented measures that keep you safe and healthy.
Safety precautions
Our team has gone above and beyond requirements to ensure your safety during your visit. Here's how:
Compliance with professional and state guidelines
Modern Day Dental has put in place all safety guidelines of the American Dental Association (ADA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the state of California. In addition, we have gone above and beyond with extra safety measures.
Screening questions prior to your appointment
During your call, we ask you several screening questions, such as have you been sick with a cough or cold within a specific number of weeks. When you arrive at the office, we repeat this screening survey.
If you or someone in your family is sick before your appointment, please call us and reschedule. Anyone with a fever should not visit the office. Adults should visit the dentist alone, unless otherwise instructed, to restrict the possibility of infection.
Spacing between appointments
We have spaced out office visits to ensure we're meeting the recommended guideline
s for social distancing. This means you may not see another patient in the waiting room. If someone has driven you to the appointment, we ask that person to remain in the car during your appointment. We’ve limited the number of individuals who can be in the waiting room at one time.
Hygienic measures
We take your temperature with a touchless thermometer and ask you to use the hand sanitizer we have at the front door. There are no longer magazines or other items in the waiting room, but you can bring your own reading material if you like. Air purifiers operate constantly in every room in the office. We’ve also added new informative posters to visually alert all guests about hand hygiene and cough etiquette.
When it comes to your dental health, it’s important to continue your regular bi-annual dental checkups. Getting your teeth cleaned is just one reason for your checkup.
Dr. Day checks you for mouth, head, and neck cancer, feeling for any lumps in the area, and checking inside your mouth for suspicious patches. Early detection saves lives. Dr. Day can prevent a trouble spot from developing into a full-blown infection that would require a root canal. He also examines your gums for signs of disease. About half of adults over 30 in the U.S. have some degree of periodontal disease which erodes your gums and can eventually cause tooth and gum loss.
He can also detect the beginning of a cavity, saving you from the expense of possibly having to get a crown in the future. Skipping dental appointments means a small cavity can take over most of your tooth when it’s not treated promptly.
Call Modern Day Dental today for appointments for you and your family. We’re here to help you keep your smile sparkling white.